Ниже 20 сайтов в помощь изучающим иностранные языки! Сохраните, пригодится Вам и Вашим друзьям и родным:) 1. Duolingo.com – Duolingo offers six languages with grammar and vocabulary lessons. Earn points and unlock levels as you go along. 2. Memrise.com - Learn vocabulary through spaced repetition. 3. Anki - Anki is a flashcard program similar to Memrise with hundreds of decks. 4. BBC Languages - The BBC offers lessons with grammar, vocabulary, games, activities, and tests in forty languages. 5. Livemocha.com – Online courses for over 35 languages. 6. Lang-8.com - Write in your new language and have a native speaker correct your mistakes. 7. Babbel.com — Learn languages by identify correct translations. 8. Lingocracy.com — Choose the content you want to read, and get instant translations and definitions. 9. Babadum.com — A vocabulary quiz game. 10. InternetPolyglot.com — Lessons and games for learning languages. 11. Verbling.com – Teach someone a language, and they will teach you one. 12. Interpals.net – Find a pen pal from another country and learn their language. 13. SharedTalk.com — A community of people from around the world dedicated to language exchange. 14. Coffeestrap.com — Learn a language by meeting people. 15. FSI Language Courses – These are courses developed by the U.S. government that have reached the public domain. Download the text and repeat after the tapes. 16. GreatLanguageGame.com — A game where you try to distinguish between eighty different languages. 17. Forvo.com — Get correct pronunciations of thousands of words in dozens of languages. 18. LyrnLang.com — Learn words and phrases by listening to songs and seeing how the lyrics translate. 19. Lernu.net — Free courses and information on the international language of Esperanto. 20. Chineasy.org — Lessons and resources for learning Chinese. #face2face_eng #face2face_eng_advice #face2face_eng_vocabulary #learn #English #study #английский

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